Commodore 64 Programs & Tutorials
Updated : 01/03/2023
This is a few programs and tutorials I have put together for the Commodore 64.
Programs -
C64 Basic Compiler : Write Commodore 64 BASIC programs in Windows
Arduino 1541 Interface : Connect your 1541 drive to your modern computer
My C64 Font : Use my C64 font in your own programs
Tutorials -
Basic Tricks : A few simple tricks for Commodore BASIC
D64 files and 1541 disks : How data is stored in a D64 file or on the 1541 physical disk
Drive number loaded from -
Peek(186) will return the drive number your program was loaded from.
Drive Selection -
Drive selection switches for the 1541-II and 1571 drives, jumper setting for the SD2IEC.